
the mexican expert

one time i had a dream that i hired a mexican expert on spices to help me formulate some new new mustards.

he told me about epazote. we spent some time in the mustard lab. he showed me lots of new techniques i didn't know about. unfortunately, he broke a bunch of my flavor jars. at the end of the week i told him that he had been very helpful, that i learned alot, and his consultant position couldn't be continued due to financial constraints (he charged very large fees, by the way).

he told me that was cool and that he enjoyed working with me. i asked where he was headed next. he told me had offers from three other companies that wanted him to be the chief culinary officer. he was probably going to spend some time vacationing in grosse pointe with his brother's ex-wife before he made a decision.

my pet fish, bubbles, told me that everyone was impressed with how important he was. 


itchy sweater

one time i had a dream that i wore a sweater because it was foggy, but the wool made me itch. 


the map

one time i had a dream that the garden with the map of the world was guarded by lady who wanted me to kiss her.


no shoes

one time i had a dream that i went to the store barefoot. everyone was annoyed.

even the two people who were robbing the store thought it was inappropriate. they were on their way back from an experimental concert in the woods. there was a very wealthy lady who lived across the river and her assassin attendant. her servant had an automatic rifle and catapult. she was a good shot. the rich lady decided to rob the store because she was bored and could get away with it.

they went into the store and the rich lady's attendant shouted "shut up kids, this a hold up!" the rich lady walked up to the counter and addressed the two gentlemen who were running the store kindly requesting that they turn over the available cash to her. 

they were going to take me hostage. but they decided not to because of my feet.

bubbles, my pet-fish, said this was typical of their middle class insecurity.


my orginal ancestor in new york

one time i had a dream that my original ancestor in new york, naaktgeboren zonderbroek, arrived in town withouten any clothes.
naaktgeboren zonderbroek washed up from a trans-atlantic shipwreck. he landed at the beach at kingston point. as he was walking up the sand, he saw a group of ladies who were playing volleyball. they were twice his age. he was 14. when they saw him emerge from the cold water they all started to a laugh at him. he approached them and asked in dutch if they could help him. one of the ladies gave him her cotton robe and a pair of plastic flip flops. the robe had blue and white stripes. it was actually quite stylish. he asked if there was a town near by. he needed to find shelter and clothing. 

the one lady told him he should walk up the big hill. this would lead him onto delaware avenue toward broadway. that would bring him into town. he walked doggedly up the street. he walked all the way to the stockade district. they opened the gates and let him in.

later that afternoon the lady who gave him the robe was walking to the post office on main street. instead of a swimsuit she was wearing business clothes. she saw him near the church. he smiled. she asked him what he was doing. he said he was sort of lost because of a shipwreck. she told him to come with her and she would have him over for dinner. she sent some texts with her mobile phone. she didn't tell him who she was texting.

when she got to her place, her roommates laughed at him with her robe. they gave him a t-shirt, some underwear, and a pair of jeans that fit him because he was quite skinny. they all ate dinner together. they ate salad and cheese, and bread with raspberry jam.

after dinner they asked him what his story was.

he told them that his name was naaktgeboren zonderbroek. he described his origins in breukelen. he told them how as an orphaned infant he floated into that town in a wicker basket, after a flood, with a black cat that steered the basket. he described his journey, six months ago, into utrecht to find a trade, his journey on the kaanal, his falling off the dike into the sea, his floating on his wooden shoes and navigation with his nightshirt as a sail, his rescue by a dutch ship bound for the new world, and the storm and shipwreck that dumped him on the banks of the hudson without his clothes.

they asked him if he was going to go back to holland or stay in kingston. he said he didn't know yet.

however, you and i, gentle reader, know that he did stay there and eventually marry and begin a famous line of descendants. but my dream ends here at this fateful dinner because the cell phone of one of the ladies rang, and that put a stop to my sleeping. 


bear ancestor

one time i had a dream that the bear ancestor was on the prowl.
he liked to wear mittens and eat garlic.


shark festival

one time i had a dream that sharks were let loose on the city's flooded streets as a summer festival.
the department of sharks handed out helium balloons to help people avoid being bitten, even though the sharks were mostly safe. if you saw them coming you could give them a soft nudge and they'd swim off. however, they caught a some unaware and few people got their ankles bitten. but the bites barely broke the skin and there wasn't a lot of blood.

at the end of the week they had to fire off a beef-cannon to get the sharks to leave town.

bubbles said that sharks are over-rated.



pin the poster

one time i had a dream that my pet-fish bubbles wouldn't stop talking about his favorite video game "pin the poster."
he was even having dreams about it.