
her flying ice cream

one time i had a dream that bubbles's sister, cinnabar backfisch, was still alive and discovered a type of ice cream that could make you fly when you ate it.

bubbles said too bad she didn't have some of that when she fell off the trestle. 



one time i had a dream that my uncle cuthred found a way to keep the cook-books in the family while he was in india.

bubbles said that it would never work.


camouflage dress

one time i had a dream that the best camouflage to wear is exactly the one they're expecting. 



one time i had a dream that my pet-fish, bubbles, failed a personality test. 


stop the bomb trains!

one time i had a dream that bomb trains kept rolling through my town.

my pet fish, bubbles, said that it was a good thing that they didn't derail a second time.


new nerdia

one time i had a dream that everything is bigger in new york -even the nerds.


artificial bollywood

one time i had a dream that bubbles, my pet-fish, was an artistic consultant on a new movie called  
"tērā dila havā hai."

he advised the actor who played the beach dj.

it was a flop financially. it was thrashed by the critics too. 

bubbles said you can't fake cool. either you have it, or you don't. 
this actor didn't.

it was an artificial bollywood made in poughkeepsie. 


famous devil

one time i had a dream that i met some famous devil.

bubbles said that he liked his attitude towards things.


since 1997

one time i had a dream that my mustard was a hot commodity. 
