
the one and only mr and mrs loops

one time i had a dream that i knew a wolf who liked to parade around in a chicken suit and cluck. he told us that his name was mr. loops and that he was a respectable figure in the town.

loops prided himself on the fitness of his chicken suit and the fine quality of the feathers. he wanted to be spoken to in a deferential tone. he wasn't like other canines, he claimed. he had his wolves den decorated with chicken wire and corn. he often worried about the price of eggs. he'd talk about eggs very loudly around the town with the hopes that people would over hear him and assume he was a very high class wolf.

loops got very angry if you didn't call him "mister." loops said it was very disrespectful if you didn't call him by that form of address. proper manners were very important to him.

loops also demanded that his wife be referred to as "mrs. loops" to underline how important she was. everyone must make a recognition of that loops said. bubbles took him aside and told him, confidentially, that it's hard to respect someone in a chicken suit.

loops didn't like that.

he started to cluck more than usual and shake. he said that mrs. loops would be very unhappy when she heard that.

bubbles said she could go lay an egg.     


the xmas moose

one time i had a dream that i had a dream that i was at the north pole during summer. it was light all day or it never got dark - depending upon your perspective.

while i was there i got to see the elusive christmas moose. he was busy handing out brown paper bags filled with cash so we didn't have a chance to speak in great detail.

he seemed surprised to see me at there, you know the out of context thing. generally, when we see each other, we cross paths in nyc. he said hello, but was too involved in his work to talk at length. he had people depending on him that needed stuff.


trick or treat

one time i had a dream that after halloween was over, people still continued to wear their masks until christmas.

after a while, i stopped thinking of people as who they were, but instead just as the mask they wore. we all did. people were happy that they got to be another identity for like in a game. the first few days of all saints and all souls was fun. people played little jokes, and revealed secrets to each other that they normally wouldn't say. this was because no-one knew who they were and because it was part of the extended halloween. only, after a while, they started to get confused. they started doing dangerous and destructive things, because they thought they were the halloween character and not their own personality.

at armistice day bubbles, my pet-fish, became very concerned. people were starting to become dangerous to themselves. they gave up on the idea of the city as a place of civilization.  in the country, people stopped working the land. every one was pulling injurious pranks in the rural areas and deliberately vicious acts in the city. worst of all they took off their boots in public and made other people smell the foot odor. these were noxious gasses that caused great illness and death.

at st. martin's day, bubbles went around telling people that they were only wearing masks. they were not the characters the masks represented, and that they needed to stop confusing the two. people liked their costumes and the masks too much. no-one listened. they kept having smelly feet. people died from the fumes.

at thanksgiving people ate until they puked and never considered how lucky they were to be blessed with plenty. things were becoming more dangerous and more violent. people stopped caring about one another, and only cared about the identity of the costumes. bubbles told them they should take off their masks and remember themselves. no-one listened. more people died.

at the first sunday of advent people decided not to dress things in purple. they didn't care about the arrival of christmas or the solstice. they said there would be no more holidays in the future, it would be halloween forever. they had crossed the veil between night and day. it would be night forever, and they would be characters forever. bubbles told them that these were only masks they were wearing and that they should take them off. no one listened. people did dangerous things to themselves without regard for the consequences -especially exposing their foot smells. more people were slaughtered.

at the christmas eve bubbles came to me and told me this was only a dream. i needed to wake up, he said, otherwise all of these people would end up killing themselves. he was quite serious and terribly worried. i told him that we had to wait until morning to see what would happen. if i woke up then, all of the people might be trapped in their masks, and the dead people would never return to life.

i hung my stocking at the chimney, and i went to bed that night. i had a dream within the dream. it was of summer time at the north pole with the christmas moose. i woke up inside the main dream the next morning.

in the main dream, when i got up, it was christmas. everyone took off their masks, the dead people came back to life, and everyone went back to being who they actually are.

my pet fish bubbles said that this holiday is an example of the folk culture being commodified and exploited for the benefit of a powerful and wealthy minority. halloween was merely a plot by the ruling class to get people to consume more bon-bons.

i asked bubbles if he ever thought anything was fun.


inter-dimensional television

one time i had a dream that i got hooked up to inter-dimensional television. it didn't just record in sound and color, but in infrared and gamma rays too. it made i.d. shows more flashy than our ordinary television, i guess. but it didn't matter, because even though my tv could broadcast at those wavelengths, i didn't have the proper sense organs to perceive the waves. it also broadcasted in extra-dimesions besides the ones covered by regular tv. not only did i get broadcasts in length, width, height, time, and cyber-space, i also got funky dimensions like the ones in particle mechanics. so there were shows with added boson symmetries and the 4 forces. there were shows with open tachyons but they were mainly for downloading on to fancy telephones.

so what if i didn't get to see all the extra-effects? bubbles said said that he could hear some of the lower and higher pitches that i couldn't and see some color shades that were invisble or faded to me. bubbles said they had extra music effects in the other pitches and textual messages that enhanced the shows in the deeper colors. they weren't subtitles, and they seemed like random verse, but if you thought about them, you could see a weirdly clever connection. bubbles said it's like watching a 3-d movie without the glasses. however, i think it would be more accurate to describe it as hearing the sound on regular tv, but not seeing the pictures. you can get a pretty good idea of what's going on, but you also know that you're definitely missing out on something.

my favorite show was a comedy that made fun of milieu control. it was on at 2 in the morning, so i had to stay up late to watch it. after a while, i got to know the stars of the other dimension. looking at their constellation of characters was sort of fascinating. you could tell who were the more skilled actors and who always played the same type of character due to limited ability or lousy connections. it was possible that although they looked and sounded the same, in the extra-dimensional stuff their performances might have been widely varied. they could have been sending off all kinds of communications that i didn't have the sense or intellect to percieve or comprehend. i didn't really have anyone to talk to about the shows, except my pet fish, bubbles. i tried to get people interested in interdimensional tv, but they didn't seem to care. it can be lonely when you've got an inter-dimensional mind in a 4-d world.

bubbles complained that they only got 59 channels in the other dimension.


celestial flowers

one time i had a dream that one of my neighbors grew flowers so high that they expanded into celestial events.

people from all around the neighborhood came to her yard to view the gardens. they were highly cultivated. some of them brought their telescopes to make a more efficient and accurate observation. the conversations were quite elevated. at first, it was very cool because everyone enjoyed the bright colors and patterns of the flowers as they exploded into new worlds. every night, we'd bring our folding chairs, and my neighbor would come outside with lemon-aide.

about half-way through the summer things changed however. the guy that lived next-door to her started to complain about the crowds of people and all of the traffic. he went to the local government and investigated the zoning laws. he found out that it is illegal to grow very tall plants in our neighborhood. he got up at 4 a.m. . he measured the flowers, before anyone was awake, with a ruler. he found out they were taller than 8 inches, and, technically illegal. that afternoon, he badgered the lady with the flowers, about cutting them down, for about 2 hours.

she didn't cut them down. he called the local constabulary. they told him this was more in the jurisdiction of the public safety committee.  he decided to complain at the next weekly meeting. the committee resolved to set up a board of governors to form a sub-committee to over-see a board of inquiry which would have the authority to make an investigation of the matter. the sub-committee would then report their findings to the board of governors of the sub-comittee who would, in turn, make a recommendation to the committee on possible paths of action, if any action was either required or suggested. however, allocations for funding this sub-committee and the investigation would have to be taken up with the finance committee. they didn't meet until next tuesday.

the whole matter was resolved when the local gang of deer decided to take a little lunch of the flowers. so people stopped their evening congregations in her yard. most of the people were going to go on vacation in august anyway. but it was good to have a small amount of neighborhood camaraderie for a few weeks.

my pet-fish, bubbles, said that it was cool because we now have glowing fauna in our neighborhood. when they tramp through the trees in back of our house, they light up the woods. it looks very magical.


no photos allowed

one time i had a dream that i made a visit to the big museum and tried to take a photo of a well known painting of a pique-nique. the museum people weren't thrilled about this "mechanical reproduction" stuff. they didn't throw me out, but they told me i'd have to stop taking pictures.

bubbles said "taking pictures" means stealing paintings and that they should have told me to stop making photographs.

the security guard said that actually, taking photographs of the paintings was a form of stealing. personally, he didn't care if i took a photo. it was a nice piece, he told us, one of his favorites. however, the painting belonged to a rich old lady who loaned it permanently to the museum. part of the loan agreement was that
 no-one could take photographs of the art work. he said that it was his job to patrol the room. if it was up to him, i would be able to take all the photos i'd like.

bubbles said that the rich old lady had acquired her wealth, and hence the painting, through primitive accumulation. making a photo of the painting exploded the fetishization of canvas, and therefore constituted an act of working class resistance.

i told them that it really didn't matter because i forgot to put film in the camera that day anyway.


the poet of the dragons

one time i had a dream that i met a poet who knew the secret properties of etymologies and the origins of the dragon songs.

he knew the way that words twisted their sounds and meaning over time. they changed and took on new resonances and moved  differently in the caverns of people's mouths. he knew how words are treasures. he knew how dangerous it is to them to be confined in guarded piles. they should be allowed to circulate freely among the people, no matter how worn or damaged they become in the handling. he knew that transactions of words were inevitable, and therefore it was foolish to insist that they adhere to only the one form of one time. he told us that to understand language was to understand that words coalesce and bleed at times just as much as they display immiscibility. we were cautioned that we would amputate reality from our minds if we denied this, or struggled against it.

bubbles, my pet-fish, however, said this was loony. bubbles claimed that words were merely a mechanism of social control. in order for the proletariat to take command of the world, bubbles claimed, it must first make itself the master of bourgeois grammars, and institute - not merely a new vocabulary- but a new system of verbal structure where meaning could not be manipulated for the purposes of class deception.  

bubbles said that all poetry is inherently political and that any verse that doesn't address the method of production is counter-revolutionary, and hence dangerous.

i told bubbles that the quasi-mystical ravings of his end of the world cult didn't scare me.