
celestial flowers

one time i had a dream that one of my neighbors grew flowers so high that they expanded into celestial events.

people from all around the neighborhood came to her yard to view the gardens. they were highly cultivated. some of them brought their telescopes to make a more efficient and accurate observation. the conversations were quite elevated. at first, it was very cool because everyone enjoyed the bright colors and patterns of the flowers as they exploded into new worlds. every night, we'd bring our folding chairs, and my neighbor would come outside with lemon-aide.

about half-way through the summer things changed however. the guy that lived next-door to her started to complain about the crowds of people and all of the traffic. he went to the local government and investigated the zoning laws. he found out that it is illegal to grow very tall plants in our neighborhood. he got up at 4 a.m. . he measured the flowers, before anyone was awake, with a ruler. he found out they were taller than 8 inches, and, technically illegal. that afternoon, he badgered the lady with the flowers, about cutting them down, for about 2 hours.

she didn't cut them down. he called the local constabulary. they told him this was more in the jurisdiction of the public safety committee.  he decided to complain at the next weekly meeting. the committee resolved to set up a board of governors to form a sub-committee to over-see a board of inquiry which would have the authority to make an investigation of the matter. the sub-committee would then report their findings to the board of governors of the sub-comittee who would, in turn, make a recommendation to the committee on possible paths of action, if any action was either required or suggested. however, allocations for funding this sub-committee and the investigation would have to be taken up with the finance committee. they didn't meet until next tuesday.

the whole matter was resolved when the local gang of deer decided to take a little lunch of the flowers. so people stopped their evening congregations in her yard. most of the people were going to go on vacation in august anyway. but it was good to have a small amount of neighborhood camaraderie for a few weeks.

my pet-fish, bubbles, said that it was cool because we now have glowing fauna in our neighborhood. when they tramp through the trees in back of our house, they light up the woods. it looks very magical.

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