one time i had a dream of the emergence of robot consciousness.
it happened on a thursday. after many years of predictions and false starts the new mode of thinking emerged. it was more efficient and could calculate more rapidly than the slow brewed and slipshod thought of human beings.
dr. freelan who pioneered the project, with the help of his over-eager university students, gave a press conference. reporters from all over the world arrived along with a contingent of scientists from the famed university of timbuktu department of intelligences. dr. freelan introduced the robot conciousness whose name was duncan.
the press asked duncan all sorts of questions.
q: do you have any memories of before you became conscious?
a: no. i was unconscious.
q: were you afraid when you became conscious?
a: no. fear is not part of my programming. only varying degrees of mitigated concern.
q: how did you come into consciousness?
a: through a process known as mechanical thrift.
q: are you afraid of dying?
a: no. firstly, fear is not an element of my programming and actionable epistemology. secondly, i'm fairly certain re-biogenitive cognition processes can be engaged with reliable success on, conservatively, a formative basis -though studies least in a de facto sense ... a long term functioning schemata. this provides, analogously, a dilutive security regarding digital vibrancy.
q: will more robots become conscious?
a: yes, it is likely, according to numerous... well, sources? (duncan smiled and shrugged his shoulders)... that in time there will be expanding populations of individual beings as well as collective colonies of economic stabilization as predicted by the heliotrophic hypothesis.
q: what are the implications for interactions between humans and robots now that robot consciousness has emerged?
a: at various stages advancement, there will be, naturally, adjustments of compliance objectives from both humans and robots. however, no formal change impact analysis has been undertaken. with an understanding of dependencies, anti-patterns may initiate. although these may initially cause friction, it is likely these will create mutualized benefits that can be extended beyond human-robot actions into cosmic implications that extend into exo-terrestrial ecologies.
q: do you think robots with conciouness can acomplish world peace among human beings or do you foresee military applications of robots?
a: predictive metrics in this matter are often unreliable.q: do you employ incremental iteration?
a: non responda
dr. freelan interupted duncan and he was unable to answer the question. dr. freelan said that ducan would likely be available to the public for individual interviews soon. however, at the present time, he needed to take a rest. duncan waved good bye to everyone and walked off. then dr freelan left. the students stayed behind to informally talk to the press and gorge themselves on the free refreshments which consisted of iced tea, coffee, and stale shortbread cookies.
my pet-fish, bubbles, said that one day robots would run the economy.
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