
no shoes

one time i had a dream that i went to the store barefoot. everyone was annoyed.

even the two people who were robbing the store thought it was inappropriate. they were on their way back from an experimental concert in the woods. there was a very wealthy lady who lived across the river and her assassin attendant. her servant had an automatic rifle and catapult. she was a good shot. the rich lady decided to rob the store because she was bored and could get away with it.

they went into the store and the rich lady's attendant shouted "shut up kids, this a hold up!" the rich lady walked up to the counter and addressed the two gentlemen who were running the store kindly requesting that they turn over the available cash to her. 

they were going to take me hostage. but they decided not to because of my feet.

bubbles, my pet-fish, said this was typical of their middle class insecurity.

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